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Corals Connect - Brooklyn, New York


Adriana started an outreach project called Corals Connect ( that aims to teach young children about the significance of environmental change through the study of coral reefs. Adriana has led lectures and hands-on activities regarding coral reefs with students in her hometown of Brooklyn, New York. This outreach also aims to connect classrooms in Brooklyn, that lack in environmental science education, to the communities that are directly connected to coral reefs. 

December 21, 2017: Adriana has returned to her hometown, Brooklyn NY! Yesterday she gave a lecture about coral reefs to a fourth-grade classroom in P.S. 160. All the students were wonderful and very excited to learn more about corals. The students especially loved the 360 virtual coral reef videos using Google Cardboard.

A couple of days before this lecture, the students were asked: What are coral reefs? Why are they important? Adriana really enjoyed reading the students' responses and will be sharing them soon. Stay tuned!

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